An exploration of Self, using the natal chart as compass and anchor. 3 sessions of deep diving into your natal chart, progressed lunation cycle, and transits.

intimacy with chart

What we return to, we build intimacy with.

“We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depths of our answers.”

-Carl Sagan

3 Sessions // 60 min ea. // $299 total (this is the cost for all 3 sessions, not the cost of one session)

For those who are self-curious, self-seeking, self-aware. Who, through circumstance or instinct, have encountered themselves questioning what has been normalized by the mythos of the over-culture. Who seek their own authentic myth.

Pay what you can!

〰️ scroll down for info 〰️

Pay what you can! 〰️ scroll down for info 〰️

As I revisit your chart, a deeper, richer analysis emerges. As you revisit your chart, integration, clarification, and implementation are all allowed space to breathe and bloom.

within intimacy with chart, we:

Animate and awaken planetary energies and archetypes.

Uncover our truest desires.

Tend to our longing for greater completeness and wholeness.

Try on astrology as archetypal psychology.

Receive the permission and the skill-building to fully inhabit our complexities, tensions and paradoxes.

Create greater coherence, self-alignment, and self-trust.

Play with planetary codes and medicines.

Shapeshift, transform, and renew ourselves.

Invoke the magic of doing and seeing things in a new way.

Actually implement insights.

Discover what resonance with Self and Life feels like.

Re-enchant life.

Design rituals, magic, and results.

Savor more spaciousness, possibility, sovereignty, sufficiency, mystery, desire.

Access more vitality, joy, and possibility.

Re-connect with life force.

Creatively and compassionately disrupt life-long patterns.

Honor what is self-appropriate.

Befriend our natal chart.

  • I love, love, loved working with Celestyna. What started out as a kind of playful/indulgent form of self care turned into a supportive journey towards self awareness, self growth, and self acceptance.

    Celestyna is a wonderful guide to wade inward through heavy things in a safe, structured, objective, fun, and sometimes humorous way. I love how she calls things straight and can call your awareness to things in a way that feels caring and healing. I felt instantly seen and validated in a productive way that went beyond me venting and her reflecting.

    We did four sessions and I feel like we scratched the surface? I could talk to her forever! I simultaneously began seeing a therapist that I subsequently dropped, because I found my time with Celestyna significantly more insightful and productive. I felt as though we cut through shite that would have taken months in therapy in her first look at my chart. -S.R.

  • I sought out working with Celestyna because I’m at a transition point in life and looking for further clarity. During the call, I feel like she just nailed everything - every time she made a hypothesis based on the chart, it was dead on.

    I was very, very pleasantly surprised by her ability to draw from the chart and make it so personal and so insightful. I went in thinking it would be facts about me but it was much more - it was so personally tailored that I was truly surprised considering she doesn’t know me.

    Practically, there were three very specific nuggets that I really want to apply in life. With each area we talked about, she gave me a very action oriented piece of advice to move forward with, so that even if we never had another call, I would have a lot to work with.

    -Claire M.

  • What drew me to Celestyna was her vibrant, magnetic energy. The way she spoke throughout the analysis - very eloquent, lots of metaphors, it helped put me into an imaginative space - I liked her style or chart analysis!

    The first thing that hit me was when she mentioned giving myself more space for creativity and sensuality.

    I’ve been struggling with self-criticism and getting stuck in a mental loop and Celestyna pointing out that exact tendency in my chart gives me permission to be able to take some space from it for a moment.

    And Celestyna showing me that my chart is inviting me into creativity as pleasure gives me permission to step into this growing desire of mine for exactly that!

    -Yuming T.

We meet weekly via zoom (choose camera on or camera off). We have three 60 minute long sessions that blend:

Astrological chart-analysis and interpretation

Asking deep questions

Playing with archetypal and elemental energies

Life coaching

Having space held for you

Imagining worlds and futures

Operationalizing chart insights

Taking inspired action

Deepening intimacy with Self

Returning to the chart again and again

Clearing and processing old to make space for new

In-between session support via email is included. All calls are recorded and audio files are shared with you.


Pay-what-you-can financial assistance is available if necessary.

Zero judgement - I got you!

I believe social-emotional support and mentorship is a human right.

please get in touch - we’ll work something out. 💖