
art and craft

In Relating: Art + Craft, explore relationship patterns and dynamics through an astroanalytical framework, and discover creative ways to more skillfully cope with or shift them.

Become a better lover to yourself and to the ones you love.

3 sessions // 60 min ea // $399 (total for all 3 sessions)

(pay what you can is available, scroll down)


Lovers, co-parents, partners, children, parents, friends, etc.

(Consent to use birth info required for anyone who is not your legal child.)

Your adult partner/ adult relational other can participate in the sessions, but by no means has to.

Parent-child sessions are conducted with the parents only.


How does each individual perceive the other? How does each individual experience the relationship? It’s not the same for both people and it may surprise you!


Communication styles differ wildly. We’ll go over how each of you communicate and craft a way to bridge the gap.


Places of activation and friction in the relationship:

Often we repeat patterns from our family even if we’ve sworn we wouldn’t.

Or we’re projecting something we’re uncomfortable with in ourselves onto the other.

Or, the relationship itself (as distinct from the other) has a particular energy that activates something in us.

We will gently, non-judgmentally, and respectfully delineate this in our work together.


Relationships are key for individual growth and self awareness. It is primarily through relationships that we become aware of blind spots, work on integrating parts of ourselves, and experience ourselves reflected back to ourselves.

Our most important cherished relationships are almost always invitations for deep work and sometimes not so easy growth.

Everyone is different:

What makes one person feel safe, happy, and loved might drive another person crazy. Or genuinely deplete their life force.

One of the first things we do is sketch out the contours of each person’s fundamental needs for safety, survival and comfort - if as individuals, we don’t feel emotionally secure with baseline and critical comfort needs being met, we don’t have a lot of flexibility for anything or anyone, including partners and relationships.

the technical astroanalysis process:

We look at individual charts for individual patterns and needs and overall self-awareness.

We look at the synastry between the individual charts to see how the two parties are affecting each other and what they are activating in one another.

We look the composite chart to get a feel for the dynamics of the relationship itself.

We look at the synastry between each individual and the composite to see how each individual is experiencing the relationship and how identified each person is with the relationship.

We check transits to see if there are particular themes or energies that are especially active for the partnership and when that cycle will subside.

the coaching/counseling:

Together, we discuss and process insights and emerging awareness. I facilitate creativity, possibility, and experimentation around operationalizing the insights. Practical strategies and skills are built.

I am not a therapist - you are welcome to take what you learn here and use it to accelerate or optimize couples’ therapy, however.


Looking at ourselves and our loved ones through astrology always increases understanding and compassion. I’ve never not seen this happen.

Once we have awareness of what we’re working with, instead of blindly and instinctively reacting, we can cultivate conscious skills and behaviors that let us respond in a more empowered and effective way.


You’ll leave these sessions with more techniques, tools, and creative inspiration for relationship “art and crafting.”

You’ll also gain a new perspective and a new way of seeing the relationship, and the people in it - with more color, more nuance, more contour, and more beauty.

  • Celestyna’s synastry readings with my husband and I were on point and gave me tons to think about.

    One thing specifically I had never thought of was him feeling responsible for his mother’s pain/healing--which gives me so much more empathy than I had with the previous pattern of him blaming his dad and me feeling like he's always playing victim/martyr.

    This is something I still need to think about and unpack--and seems humorous since I'm so preoccupied with my own mother's pain/healing.

    I found “what's mine, what's yours, what's ours?” thinking incredibly useful regarding relationships.

    I feel I need to sit with all we explored for some time, but I am already chomping at the bit to work with her again focusing on my kiddos charts.

    It sounds a bit dramatic but I feel like this is a kind of life altering experience as she really helped me to think through/untangle myself from my past/traumas, private/public spaces/demands/careers, and my relationships to family, work, and self.


  • Parent is asking about parenting guilt and anxiety.

    Celestyna’s Response (Excerpt):

    I think, especially if the parents are conscious and really operationalizing their self-awareness and self-growth work, a child's moon sign really only describes early childhood impressions of the parent, not the long term perception of the parent or the health of the relationship.

    Mom guilt and parenting anxiety are on brand for moon in Virgo, especially since yours is in the grand trine with Saturn, Venus, and Mars. My sense is that you want to feel likable and competent as a mother, while also feeling very secure and stable, and without any of your precisely arranged life going awry. My sense is that this is not your experience (news flash, it isn't ANY parent's experience!! Mostly, parents feel plunged into chaos and uncertainty with very little relational and absolutely zero systemic support).

    All that earth and those planets make parenting feel like a very big responsibility and obligation that you absolutely have to get right and live up to. And if anything happens that makes you think you are failing, it's very hard for you.

    And yes, those moon signs (Scorpio and Pisces) require a very specific style of nurturing. The Scorpio Moon NEEDS a truthful explanation for the emotional atmosphere, even if the emotions are very hard and heavy. Scorpio Moon also needs time to feel comfortable with new people/places and may act shy. Scorpio Moon also needs to know that they are safe to express their deepest, most intense emotions in a big, intense way. Scorpio Moon needs to be LOVED for their intensity and depth-resonance, not feared for it.

  • In just one session with Celestyna, I had multiple breakthroughs.

    I had some breakthroughs around job underperformance, and how I approach conflict in my job and hold people accountable.

    We had breakthroughs around me personally on how ineffectively I have been holding boundaries, and a breakthrough around standing in my power to hold those boundaries, and let other people own their own accountability.

    I think Celestyna is an incredibly apt, talented, and wise coach.

    When I get stressed, I breathe shallowly, but after our conversation, I was actually breathing evenly and correctly - it makes me happy.

    Celestyna is really good at breaking down and identifying patterns that other people cannot see because they’re dealing with the toll or they’re focusing on one thing.

    Celestyna is really good at lining things up, helping me take a step back, and helping me see the forest for the trees.

    I get stuck on things and refuse to take another view, and Celestyna has a natural gift for making intuitive leaps and offering different perspectives.

    -Kris H.

We meet weekly via zoom (choose camera on or camera off). We have three 60 minute long sessions that blend:

Astrological chart-analysis and interpretation

Asking deep questions about the relationship and about what could be affecting it (for example, childhood family patterns)

Counsel + (gentle/skillful) coaching

Having space held for you

Operationalizing chart insights

Taking inspired action

Deepening intimacy with both Self and Other

Creating relational strategies and tools

In-between session support via email is included. All calls are recorded and audio files are shared with you.


Book here:

Pay-what-you-can financial assistance is available if necessary.

Zero judgement - I got you!

I believe social-emotional support and mentorship is a human right.

Please get in touch - we’ll work something out. 💖

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